Ready to Stop Waiting for Permission & Start Creating Your Cabaret Show?
I’m here to help.
My Services
I offer 1:1 dramaturgical cabaret coaching sessions and dramaturgy research packets to take your show from idea to opening night.
1:1 Cabaret Coaching Sessions ($100 per session or $475 for a package of 5 sessions)
Cabaret is an intimate conversation between artist and audience. Through 1:1 cabaret coaching sessions, together, we guide you towards crafting the conversations you want to have with your audience through stories and song, and provide accountability to help you uncover blocks and move the needle forward on your work.
Cabaret coaching sessions include:
Setlist Construction: Overwhelmed by song choices? Realizing every song you’ve picked for your show is a ballad? Not to worry. We’ll craft a setlist that takes your audience on the journey you want them to have from the opening number to the closing encore.
Song Suggestions: Struggling with finding that perfect comedy song or 11 o’clock number? I’ll create curated song suggestions that fit your show for you to choose from.
Crafting Patter: Scare to tackle writing and delivering your own stories on stage as yourself? Never fear! Together, we work to craft stories in your voice that you feel comfortable and confident sharing in front of your audience.
Song Lyric Interpretation: In cabaret, the lyrics are everything! Through proven exercises and text analysis, we explore the story of each song so that you can fully embody the story and live in the present moment during each performance.
How to Pitch & Promote Your Show: Your show deserves an audience. We’ll discuss and craft a marketing strategy to get your show in front of its intended audience.
Ready to create your show?
Dramaturgy Research Packets (Starting at $400)
Want to create a show around a particular theme or person? You need context!
Dramaturgy Research Packets include:
A Bibliography: a list of citations to books, articles, reviews, and other documents with annotations and resources included. No need to run to the library or buy a book. A brief description of the resource will be included along with curated excerpts.
A Youtube Playlist: featuring interviews, movie and TV clips, and songs with timestamps for clips over 10 minutes of relevant portions to watch and brief commentary on clips to provide context where necessary
A Curated List of Song Options: based on the theme or person, these research-based song options will go beyond just the hits and cover all aspects of a cabaret setlist, including opening, closing, comedic, torch, 11 o’clock number, etc.
Ready to get started on research?
What the heck is a dramaturg anyway?
Great question! As a dramaturg, I create context so that you can tell a more compelling story. My goal is to provide you with clarity and accountability and reduce the overwhelm so you spend less time thinking about putting a show together and more time taking action toward opening night, all while in playful creative flow.
O.K., but isn’t that kind of what a director does in cabaret? What’s the difference?
Normally I would say, “you say potato, I say patato.” But I actually choose to identify as a dramaturg for two specific reasons. First, the research materials and text analysis, I provide my clients aren’t something you’d get from a cabaret director. Second, the term director implies that there is a power dynamic at play between me and my clients and that is absolutely not the case. Your show isn’t my story to tell, it’s yours. You’re in the driver’s seat; it’s your rodeo. I’m simply here as a helpful guide on the journey.
Who are your services for?
My services are for anyone who:
Wants to create their own solo show, but have no idea where to start
Has an idea for a show but needs help and accountability to get it done
Is working on a show, but is overwhelmed with having to do all the things
I hate writing patter. Will you do it for me?
Sorry, but no. That’s not how this works. I know there’s a huge fear around writing and delivering patter, but I promise you that we will make it fun and playful so that the words you deliver on stage are authentically yours and no one else’s.
I am low-vision or D/deaf/hard of hearing. Are cabaret coaching sessions and dramaturgy packets accessible to me?
All of our coaching sessions take place online and have closed captions. If you need transcripts, audio-only, image/video descriptions, large print, etc., just let me know and I’ll work to make that happen. I may need a little extra time to get you everything you need, but I promise to get you everything you need.